So we had our first snow of the year on Saturday. It wasn’t anything serious, but there was a light dusting that stuck to the non-pavement areas. The thing that was scary was the temperature, which stayed in the 20s for most of the day and never made it above freezing. Kim and I never made it out of the house the entire day. We ordered enough pizza for both lunch and dinner, and caught up on all sorts of recorded TV shows. Eventually we ran out of things to watch and decided to get a movie from On Demand.

I was expecting to see some great movie choices, but we were quickly disappointed and realized that we recognized very few titles. I let Kim pick a movie, and after scrolling through the list over and over she finally found one that caught her eye called New In Town. She said that her mom had seen it and enjoyed it. I think her mom enjoyed imaging how out-of-place Kim must be during her work trips to the small towns in North Dakota, Minnesota, etc.

The premise of this movie is that an executive of a company, played by Renée Zellweger, moves from Miami to a tiny town in Minnesota to oversee a plant reconfiguration. The comedy of the city girl in the small rural town starts almost immediately when she is not prepared for the blistering cold of the north. And though the movie is very predictable, especially her  romance with the guy whom she hated at first, the jokes make it a decent movie for a snowed-in night.

2 Responses to “New In Town”
  1. roy says:

    Interesting fact, I have been to New Ulm for my first job to fix an ATM at Kraft Federal Credit Union. Its a pretty nice town, everyone I talked to was friendly and they have an excellent German Restaurant and only a 13.5 hour drive from Ohio.

    I might have to check out the movie.

    • edpaffjr says:

      Not sure if the movie was an accurate portrayal of their accents, but that was my favorite part of the movie. By the way, it’s a bit of a chick flick, so it could get you some points with the lady.

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